Are You Driven by Joy or Fear?

🌟 Let’s start off the week with a BANG!! 💥 What inner games are you playing? 🤔 Are they driven by ❤️ and joy, or fear? Are they truly about what you desire? Your inner games determine your life’s destiny. 🌈 And you are the master of the games you are playing. It’s nobody else’s…

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#7 – Harnessing the Power of Motivation and Discipline

In this insightful episode of “The Power Life Coach”, Sabine Schoepke discusses the crucial topic of motivation. She explores how one can drive oneself to action, rather than idly waiting for motivation to spontaneously occur. Sabine highlights the detrimental effects of expressing aversion or dread towards tasks, emphasizing how such negative language can create roadblocks…

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#4 – Mastering Your Mind-Turning Thoughts into Tools for Transformation

In this thought-provoking episode of ‘The Power Life Coach’ with Sabine Schoepke, Sabine takes listeners on a transformative journey to understand the power of the mind and the significance of gaining clarity in our lives. Using a powerful metaphor, Sabine describes the mind as a playful puppy that needs to be led in the right…

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