#32 Achieving vs. Being: Why Living in the Moment is Life-Changing

In this thought-provoking episode of “Achieving vs. Being: Why Living in the Moment is Life-Changing”, Sabine delves into the powerful shift from being an achiever to simply being present in the moment. Join her as she explores the impact of living in the now, free from the burdens of past regrets and future anxieties. Discover…

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#31 Loneliness: A Gift in Disguise

In episode #31 “Loneliness: A Gift in Disguise” of the Power Life Podcast, Sabine Schoepke, the host delves into the transformative power of loneliness and how it can be seen as a gift in disguise. Loneliness is often viewed as a negative emotion, but it can actually be a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.…

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#30 The Midlife Metabolism Mystery: Weight, Wellness, and Wisdom

In this enlightening episode, ” The Midlife Metabolism Mystery: Weight, Wellness, and Wisdom “, we dive into the Midlife Metabolism Mystery and explore how it affects weight, wellness, and wisdom as we age. This is a topic that resonates with many of us in midlife. It can be a challenging journey of managing weight gain. …

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#29 The Secret to Happiness and Success Nobody Talks About

women who is happy and strong because she has found the secret to happiness and success in a way that nobody talks about

“#29 The Secret to Happiness and Success Nobody Talks About” is a deeply personal episode in which , Sabine Schoepke, the host shares her findings and reveals the secret to happiness and success nobody talks about: the transformative role spirituality can play in your life. She reveals her struggles with happiness and success that so…

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#28 Embracing Life: How to Fall in Love with your Life in Midlife

Embracing life and how to fall in love with your life in midlife is Sabine Schoepke’s personal mission. As the host, she explores the concept of what that means to each one of us, removes some of the major roadblocks we face on that journey and empowers us with practical strategies. Many people view midlife…

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#27 How to Become Fearless

In this poignant episode of our podcast, Sabine Schoepke, the host, shares a deeply personal journey from being enveloped in fear and anxiety to fearless and liberated. Despite outward appearances of strength and determination, the struggle with internal fears was a constant battle, intensified by a traumatic experience of being attacked at home. This moment…

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#26 Turning Midlife into Your Powerlife

This podcast episode challenges the negative stereotypes associated with midlife, proposing a rebranding of this phase as “Your Powerlife.” Sabine Schoepke, the host, highlights the common struggles of this period, such as health issues, changing family dynamics, and existential questions, acknowledging the real pain and struggle that come with these changes. However, the narrative shifts…

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#25 Journeys of Choice: Embracing the Power of Conscious Living

The Power Life Podcast, hosted by Sabine Schoepke, takes listeners on a journey through personal reinvention and the delights of European travel. Sabine shares her experiences of traveling from Switzerland to Athens, emphasizing the affordability and ease of exploring Europe. A significant encounter with a fellow traveler on a flight to Athens becomes a pivotal…

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#24 Finding True Happiness

This episode embarks on a profound exploration of the endless search for happiness, a quest likened to searching for a misplaced key throughout life. I share my personal journey of seeking happiness in external achievements and material possessions, only to find true fulfillment eluding them. A pivotal encounter with a mentor revealed the transformative truth:…

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#23 Unlocking Authenticity: The Power of Being Yourself

This episode dives deep into the often-heard advice, “just be yourself,” exploring the journey from misunderstanding this concept due to self-doubt and insecurities, to embracing authenticity with confidence. I share personal revelations about discovering who I truly am, especially when in flow and fully engaged in activities I love, highlighting the distinction between being absorbed…

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