Our Midlife Superpower: The Impact of Our Words on Our Youth

In this episode ” Our Midlife Superpower: The Impact of Our Words on Our Youth ” of The Power Life Podcast, Sabine Schoepke delves into the significant impact that midlife men and women can have on the younger generation through their words and actions.

Drawing from personal experiences and observations, Sabine discusses the harmful programming many of us received as children and how it can be avoided today.

She emphasizes the importance of teaching our youth healthier beliefs, such as the value of vulnerability, a positive attitude towards success, and the joy of solitude.

Sabine shares a poignant story about a family’s conversation during a gondola ride to illustrate how seemingly innocent comments can shape a child’s perception of being alone.

The episode “Our Midlife Superpower: The Impact of Our Words on Our Youth” encourages listeners to be mindful of the messages they pass on to their children and grandchildren, promoting emotional intelligence and well-being.

For more episodes, go here.

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