Hi, I'm Sabine – the one you call when…

you're fed up with feeling sick, tired, and burned out.

Perhaps you're ready to ignite your life with authenticity, purpose, joy, and radiance.

Or you simply want to remember who you really are.

Or you're ready to set your life on fire.



On paper, I had it all...

I built and sold multiple successful businesses.

Leadership and philanthropic entrepreneurial mastery? Check.

I overcame infertility and became a proud mom of beautiful, independent twins.

I survived cancer and PTSD after a brutal attack.

I had made it, right?

But behind the scenes, I was broken. Completely and utterly burned out.


I had faced every curveball life threw at me, built my businesses on a relentless cycle of toxic masculine energy, and by 2021, I hit rock bottom—depression and physical exhaustion.

This is where my journey began, a transformation from mere achievement to profound becoming.

I had once believed that status, financial success and materialistic possessions would make me whole. But it turns out, achieving is an ungrateful little bitch. Despite all of my successes I felt more and more empty.

I then sought fulfillment through philanthropic entrepreneurship. Giving back to causes that were dear to my heart filled the void for a little while. But once my creation no longer needed my daily involvement, I realized my work there was done as well.

It was time to move on again.

I faced a serious depression, losing my sense of purpose. There was so much heavy darkness. I felt like I was slowly suffocating.

This is when I realized that there was one place I had left out: I needed to go inward. Deeply and courageously. I searched for a spark.

What I found was a light, shining so bright, in the form of untapped beautiful potential and purpose. A new reason for living.





This light shines inside you too. Like me, you might not even realize it's there, but it's been there all along.

My journey revealed that success and spirituality are deeply intertwined.

It was my spirituality that gave me the faith and strength to rise from being broke and broken – I started my first business at 21 while homeless on a park bench in Toronto – to building my dream life. Overcoming cancer, PTSD and infertility.

Spirituality also gave me the courage to make bold decisions, always guided by my heart.

Most recently, it came in the form of a gut feeling that prompted me to uproot to Europe, transforming my life once again. This move shifted me from the relentless hamster wheel to embracing authenticity, from masculine hustle to divine feminine power.

Recognizing that this light had been guiding and protecting me all along set me free to finally live a life of true abundance, joy, meaning, and purpose.

And this is what I want for you too.

I want to help you connect with your light, so you can also live a life of emotional, spiritual, and physical vibrance, and embrace your feminine power.

That is when your authentic life story truly begins.